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Bug Off Sport Perfectly Peppermint 8oz


Bug Off Sport is committed to 100% quality ingredients and is 100% plant- based. And it goes deeper than that. The formula is scientifically structured to synthesize and emulsify, while softening the skin as well. Research finds that the combination of these active and inert ingredients can be as effective as DEET and can last up to seven hours! It even has a shelf life of up to 2 years.

*see label graphic for ingredient breakdown and more information*

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Just saying this makes us smile, but not the mosquitoes! It smells so good. You won’t believe it’s an insect repellent.

The active ingredients include essentials oils, geraniol, and a proprietary inert formula that research has proven can last up to 7 hours.

Peppermint EO is one of the most effective oils to repel insects, not only mosquitoes, but ticks, spiders, fleas, ants and more. It smells heavenly to us, making it a natural wonder.
Lavender has a strong, floral scent and aromatic oils that make it an effective, natural repellent.
Geraniol, derived from the geranium flower, has a fresh, natural floral scent and works together with the other ingredients to promote their efficacy for insect protection.
Finally, Perfectly Peppermint is balanced out with just a hint of Rosemary EO. This strong, woody scent deters both insects and mosquitoes!

*see label graphic for ingredient breakdown and more information*

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It’s no secret that we struggle with mosquito infestation in Southwest Florida. Playing sports or simply enjoying the outdoors can be challenging for many of us, weather swinging a racket, enjoying a campfire or doing yoga on the beach. And because we are enjoying social and healthy activities, the last thing we want is to put toxic chemicals on our skin.

Over a lengthy period of time, through research, education and experimentation, we have developed a powerful, yet user-friendly, proprietary formula that will keep the bugs off as you go about doing the things you love outdoors.

Bug Off Sport is committed to 100% quality ingredients and is 100% plant- based. And it goes deeper than that. The formula is scientifically structured to synthesize and emulsify, while softening the skin as well. Research finds that the combination of these active and inert ingredients can be as effective as DEET and can last up to seven hours! It even has a shelf life of up to 2 years.

When the bottle is empty, please put in the recycle bin. Sustainability is a priority with BOS.

Both Orange Lavender and Perfectly Peppermint are gently aromatic. There is nothing on the market like this spray. And get this; there are Sensitive Skin formulas for families, children or people with sensitive skin. I even spritz it on a bandana for my dog during the hot summer mornings. Please always read and comply with the directions.

The repellent comes in an 8oz and 4oz bottles. Or purchase a bundle of three 2-oz bottles to sample which is right for you.

All of the products are sanitized before bottling. We adhere to all local regulations in regard to both labeling and safety.


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